A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
S — Constant static property in class sekati.ui.Keyboard
safeAddCallback(jsFunctionName, closure) — Static method in class sekati.external.ExternalBase
Attempt an ExternalInterface.addCallback if available; catching any resulting errors.
safeCall(js) — Static method in class sekati.external.ExternalBase
Attempt an ExternalInterface.call if available; catching any resulting errors.
safeFunctionCall(jsFunctionName, ... rest) — Static method in class sekati.external.ExternalBase
Attempt an ExternalInterface.call to a javascript function with arguments, if available; catching any resulting errors.
safeWrappedCall(js) — Static method in class sekati.external.ExternalBase
Wrap a safeCall in an anonymous function to execute complex javascript.
sanitizeFloat(n, precision) — Static method in class sekati.math.MathBase
Correct "roundoff errors" in floating point math.
sanitizeNull(str) — Static method in class sekati.utils.StringUtil
Sanitize null strings for display purposes.
sbox — Static property in class sekati.crypt.RC4
scale — Property in class sekati.display.CoreShape
The scale value.
scale — Property in class sekati.display.CoreSprite
The scale value.
scale(w, h) — Method in class sekati.geom.Dimension
Scales the width of this Dimension by w and scales the height of this Dimension by h.
scale(item, scale) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Set scale wrapper.
scaleMode — Property in class sekati.display.StageDisplay
A value from the StageScaleMode class that specifies which scale mode to use.
_scaleMode — Property in class sekati.draw.Bezier
_scaleMode — Property in class sekati.draw.Curve
_scaleMode — Property in class sekati.draw.Line
_scaleMode — Property in class sekati.draw.Rect
SCALE_MODE — Constant static property in class sekati.draw.Bezier
SCALE_MODE — Constant static property in class sekati.draw.Curve
SCALE_MODE — Static property in class sekati.draw.DrawStyle
SCALE_MODE — Constant static property in class sekati.draw.Line
SCALE_MODE — Constant static property in class sekati.draw.Rect
scaleProportion(item, target, center) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Scale an item to proportionally fit the target object (based on the smallest side).
scaleRatio(item, targetW, targetH) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Scale an item (largest side) while retaining the original width:height ratio.
scaleRatioToFit(item, targetW, targetH) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Scale an item (smallest side) while retaining the original width:height ratio.
scaleRatioToStage(item, center) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Scale an item's largest side to the stage while retaining it's original width:height ratio.
scaleToFit(item, targetW, targetH, center) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Scale target item to fit within target confines.
Scroll — Class in package sekati.ui
Scroll provides a flexible scrollbar controller class: handling mouseWheel (PC & Mac), dynamic resizing content, external size tracking for accordian style content scrolling, slideContent method, modal ui states, proportional bar, gutter and more.
Scroll(content, scrollArea, gutter, bar, axis, isInit, hasMouseWheel, isProportionalGutter, isProportionalBar, ease, contentSizeTracker, friction, ratio) — Constructor in class sekati.ui.Scroll
Scroll Constructor
scrollWindow(xpos, ypos) — Static method in class sekati.external.ExternalBase
Javascript scroll window.
search(a, element) — Static method in class sekati.utils.ArrayUtil
Search an array for the first instance of a given element and return its index or -1.
search(str, key, caseSensitive) — Static method in class sekati.utils.StringUtil
Search for key in string.
seconds2ms(n) — Static method in class sekati.converters.TimeConverter
secToFormattedTime(seconds) — Static method in class sekati.utils.DateUtil
Convert seconds to a formatted time string.
securityErrorHandler(e) — Method in class sekati.load.AbstractLoader
SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR handler.
securityErrorHandler(e) — Method in class sekati.net.PersistentXMLSocket
Security Error Handler.
_seed — Property in class sekati.math.PRNG
seed — Property in class sekati.math.PRNG
The random seed value.
seek(time) — Method in class sekati.media.FLV
Seek to a playback time.
seek(time) — Method in interface sekati.media.IProgressiveMedia
Seek to a playback time.
seek(time) — Method in class sekati.media.MP3
Seek to a playback time.
SEEK_INVALID_TIME — Constant static property in class sekati.events.MediaEvent
SEEK_NOTIFY — Constant static property in class sekati.events.MediaEvent
seekToPercent(percent) — Method in class sekati.media.FLV
Seek to a playback percent (0 - 1).
seekToPercent(percent) — Method in interface sekati.media.IProgressiveMedia
Seek to a playback percent (0 - 1).
seekToPercent(percent) — Method in class sekati.media.MP3
Seek to a playback percent (0 - 1).
seekUI() — Method in class sekati.ui.AbstractMediaPlayer
Use guttBar to prevent seek offset inaccuracy while still buffering.
sekati.collections — Package
sekati.collisions — Package
sekati.converters — Package
sekati.core — Package
sekati.crypt — Package
sekati.display — Package
sekati.draw — Package
sekati.events — Package
sekati.external — Package
sekati.filters — Package
sekati.formats — Package
sekati.geom — Package
sekati.layout — Package
sekati.load — Package
sekati.log — Package
SekatiMain — Class in Top Level
SekatiMain provides an example implementation of the application Document class for SEKATI API.
SekatiMain() — Constructor in class SekatiMain
SekatiMain Application Constructor
sekati.managers — Package
sekati.math — Package
sekati.media — Package
sekati.net — Package
SekatiPreloader — Class in Top Level
SekatiPreloader provides an example implementation of DocumentPreloader for SEKATI API.
SekatiPreloader() — Constructor in class SekatiPreloader
SekatiPreloader Constructor
sekati.profiler — Package
sekati.reflect — Package
sekati.rpc — Package
sekati.text — Package
sekati.transitions — Package
sekati.ui — Package
sekati.utils — Package
sekati.validators — Package
sekati.views — Package
SEMICOLON — Constant static property in class sekati.ui.Keyboard
SEND_BACKWARD — Constant static property in class sekati.layout.Arrange
SEND_TO_BACK — Constant static property in class sekati.layout.Arrange
sequenceChain — Static property in class sekati.core.Bootstrap
The sequenceChain defines a set of method references which are executed in sequence to prepare the API framework core.
sequenceCount — Static property in class sekati.core.Bootstrap
The sequenceCount bootstrap stage counter.
service — Property in class sekati.rpc.SOAPService
Return the WebService reference for direct RPC calls.
ServiceEvent — Class in package sekati.events
ServiceEvent provides update notification for the Viewport.
ServiceEvent(type, result, fault, bubbles, cancelable) — Constructor in class sekati.events.ServiceEvent
ServiceEvent Constructor
serviceFault(e) — Method in class sekati.rpc.SOAPService
Dispatch information about failures.
serviceLoad(e) — Method in class sekati.rpc.SOAPService
Mark the WebService WSDL as loaded and accessible for RPC calls.
serviceResult(e) — Method in class sekati.rpc.SOAPService
Dispatch the results of a webservice method call.
setAllLevels(isEnabled) — Method in class sekati.log.Logger
Enable or disable all existing levels.
setBevel(target, filter) — Static method in class sekati.filters.FilterBase
Set a bevel filter.
setBlur(target, filter) — Static method in class sekati.filters.FilterBase
Set a blur filter.
setChanged() — Method in class sekati.draw.AbstractShape
Flag the shape change which forces a redraw on the next render.
setColor(src, hex) — Static method in class sekati.utils.ColorUtil
Set the (A)RGB hexadecimal color value of a DisplayObject using ColorTransform.
setColorMatrix(target, filter) — Static method in class sekati.filters.FilterBase
Set a color filter.
setConfines() — Method in class sekati.ui.Scroll
Store the scrollable confines & resize the bar and gutter if necessary.
setFillStyle(color, alpha) — Method in class sekati.draw.AbstractShape
Define the fill style of the shape.
setFilter(origin, isFiltered) — Method in class sekati.log.Logger
Enable/disable a filter and create the filter if it does not already exist.
setFormattedText(tf, str, autoSize) — Static method in class sekati.utils.TextUtil
Set the text of a TextField while preserving the formatting (leading, kerning, etc).
setGlow(target, filter) — Static method in class sekati.filters.FilterBase
Set a glow filter.
setGradientBevel(target, filter) — Static method in class sekati.filters.FilterBase
Set a gradient bevel filter.
setGradientGlow(target, filter) — Static method in class sekati.filters.FilterBase
Set a gradient glow filter.
setHSLComponent(src, h, l, s) — Static method in class sekati.utils.ColorUtil
Set the color of a DisplayObject from HSL components.
setHSVComponent(src, h, s, v) — Static method in class sekati.utils.ColorUtil
Set the color of a DisplayObject from HSV components.
setLevel(level, isEnabled) — Method in class sekati.log.Logger
Enable/disable a log level.
setMouseWheel() — Method in class sekati.ui.Scroll
Initialize Mac/PC compatible MouseWheel support.
setPauseIcon() — Method in class sekati.ui.AbstractMediaPlayer
Set the _playBtn icon "paused".
setPlayIcon() — Method in class sekati.ui.AbstractMediaPlayer
Set the _playBtn icon "played".
setProperty(name, value) — Method in class sekati.collections.OrderedDictionary
Proxy internal Dictionary contents for easy reference.
setReferences() — Method in class sekati.display.Canvas
Initialize or update the core DisplayList reference properties.
setRGBComponent(src, r, g, b) — Static method in class sekati.utils.ColorUtil
Set the color of a DisplayObject from RGB components.
setShadow(target, filter) — Static method in class sekati.filters.FilterBase
Set a shadow filter.
setStrokeStyle(thickness, color, alpha, pixelHinting, scaleMode, caps, joints, miterLimit) — Method in class sekati.draw.AbstractShape
Define the line style of the shape.
setStyledText(tf, str, stylesheet) — Static method in class sekati.utils.TextUtil
Apply a StyleSheet to a TextField & set its contents.
setter(name) — Method in class sekati.reflect.ClassReflector
Search for a setter (property, variable or method) with the specified name and return its MethodReflector
setText(instance, str, wChar, toUpperCase, mixLower, mixUpper, mixUpperSpecial, cSpeed, mFix, mRange, mTrigger) — Method in class sekati.text.RandomTypo
Animate the shuffled text
setTextColor(tf, color, backgroundColor, borderColor) — Static method in class sekati.utils.TextUtil
Set the TextField color formatting.
setTextFont(tf, fontName, fontSize, isEmbedFont, isBold, isItalic, isUnderline) — Static method in class sekati.utils.TextUtil
Set the TextField font formatting.
setTextLeading(tf, space) — Static method in class sekati.utils.TextUtil
Set the TextField leading formatting.
setTextLetterSpacing(tf, spacing) — Static method in class sekati.utils.TextUtil
Set the TextField letter spacing formatting.
setTextSpaceWidth(tf, space) — Static method in class sekati.utils.TextUtil
Set the TextField's width for space characters.
settings — Property in class sekati.log.Logger
Returns level and filter settings.
setTransform(src, transformObject) — Static method in class sekati.utils.ColorUtil
Set ColorTransform information for a DisplayObject.
setVertices() — Method in class sekati.utils.BitmapTransform
Set the vertices of BitmapData.
setVolume(percent) — Method in class sekati.ui.AbstractMediaPlayer
Core video volume driver.
SHA1 — Final class in package sekati.crypt
US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1)
SHA1() — Constructor in class sekati.crypt.SHA1
SHA1 Static Constructor
SHA256 — Final class in package sekati.crypt
Calculate NIST compatible SHA256 checksum hash.
SHA256() — Constructor in class sekati.crypt.SHA256
SHA256 Static Constructor
shakeWindow(amount) — Static method in class sekati.external.ExternalBase
Javascript shake window.
SHIFT — Constant static property in class sekati.ui.Keyboard
shortName — Property in class sekati.reflect.ClassReflector
The class name without namespaces
show() — Method in class sekati.profiler.PerformanceMonitor
Show the graph UI.
showDefaultContextMenu — Property in class sekati.display.StageDisplay
Returns value of property
showSettings() — Method in class sekati.net.LocalSharedObject
Display the FlashPlayer local storage settings panel to the user.
shrink(w, h) — Method in class sekati.geom.Dimension
Reduces the width of this Dimension by w, and reduces the height of this Dimension by h.
shuffle(a) — Static method in class sekati.utils.ArrayUtil
Shuffle array items.
_side0 — Property in class sekati.ui.RotationPlane
_side1 — Property in class sekati.ui.RotationPlane
sign(chance) — Method in class sekati.math.PRNG
Seeded random sign.
sign(chance) — Static method in class sekati.math.Random
Return a "tilted" value of 1 or -1.
silenceLevel — Property in class sekati.media.MicrophoneDevice
The amount of sound required to dispatch the activity event.
sine(waves, width, yPos, widthCap, heightCap) — Method in class sekati.layout.Sort
Sort items in a sine wave.
size — Property in class sekati.display.StageDisplay
The current size of the stage.
size — Property in class sekati.net.LocalSharedObject
The current size of the shared object, in bytes.
_size — Property in class sekati.ui.TextButton
sizeContent(o, child) — Static method in class sekati.utils.DisplayUtil
Re-scales elements on the timeline to 100% and then resizes to fit the previously stretched dimensions.
SLASH — Constant static property in class sekati.ui.Keyboard
sliceAll(a, startIndex, endIndex) — Static method in class sekati.utils.ArrayUtil
Unlike normal Array.slice(), sliceAll includes the endIndex in the return Array.
sliceByPropVal(a, prop, val, isCaseInsensitive) — Static method in class sekati.utils.ArrayUtil
Return a new array sliced from the original array of complex objects based on a prop/val match
_smooth — Property in class sekati.utils.BitmapTransform
smoothing — Property in class sekati.media.FLV
Whether the Video should be smoothed (interpolated) when it is scaled.
_smoothing — Property in class sekati.ui.FLVPlayer
_smoothing — Property in class sekati.ui.RotationPlane
smoothing — Property in class sekati.ui.RotationPlane
Determines whether the BitmapData smoothing is applied to the plane rotations or not.
SOAPService — Class in package sekati.rpc
SOAPService provides a SOAP WebService client interface.
SOAPService(wsdl, service, port) — Constructor in class sekati.rpc.SOAPService
SOAPService Constructor
SOCKET_NULL_CHAR — Constant static property in class sekati.net.PersistentXMLSocket
_sort — Property in class sekati.layout.Sort
Sort — Class in package sekati.layout
Sort provides various visual sorting arrangements for arrays of DisplayObject's.
Sort(items) — Constructor in class sekati.layout.Sort
Sort Constructor
sound — Property in class sekati.media.MP3
The Sound.
sound — Property in class sekati.ui.MP3Player
The Sound instance.
soundContext — Property in class sekati.load.AbstractLoader
Returns SoundLoaderContext (for Sound types only).
soundContext — Property in interface sekati.load.ILoader
Returns SoundLoaderContext (for Sound types only).
SoundLoader — Class in package sekati.load
SoundLoader provides a standard API loader for Sound media content.
SoundLoader(url, bufferTime, loadPolicyFile) — Constructor in class sekati.load.SoundLoader
SoundLoader Constructor
soundTransform — Property in class sekati.media.MicrophoneDevice
Controls the sound of this microphone object when it is in loopback mode.
SPACE — Constant static property in class sekati.ui.Keyboard
span(text, styleClass) — Static method in class sekati.utils.HTMLCode
Generate a SPAN tag.
_spCube — Property in class sekati.ui.RotationPlane
splice(... rest) — Method in class sekati.collections.TypedArray
_spread — Property in class sekati.draw.GradientRect
spread — Property in class sekati.draw.GradientRect
The gradient spread method.
square(center, heightCap) — Method in class sekati.layout.Sort
Sort items in a square.
StackIterator — Class in package sekati.collections
Stack based Iterator
StackIterator(stack:sekati.collections:IStack) — Constructor in class sekati.collections.StackIterator
StackIterator Constructor
stage — Static property in class sekati.display.Canvas
Reference to the Application stage instance which represents the main drawing area.
stageAlignBottom(item) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Align object to stage bottom.
stageAlignCenter(item) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Center align object to stage.
stageAlignProportion(item, propX, propY) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Align object to stage by width/height proportion.
stageAlignRight(item) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Align object to stage right.
stageAlignXCenter(item) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Horizontal center align object to stage.
stageAlignXProportion(item, prop) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Align object centered, but based on a proportion (instead of 50/50).
stageAlignYCenter(item) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Vertical center align object to stage.
stageAlignYProportion(item, prop) — Static method in class sekati.utils.AlignUtil
Align object centered, but based on a proportion (instead of 50/50).
StageDisplay — Final class in package sekati.display
StageDisplay provides an interface to the swf application Stage instance allowing display and non-displayObjects to interact with and control the stage.
StageDisplay($) — Constructor in class sekati.display.StageDisplay
StageDisplay Singleton Constructor
StageEvent — Class in package sekati.events
StageEvent provides advanced Stage event notification.
StageEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable) — Constructor in class sekati.events.StageEvent
StageEvent Constructor
_stageX — Property in class sekati.events.ExternalMouseEvent
stageX — Property in class sekati.events.ExternalMouseEvent
_stageY — Property in class sekati.events.ExternalMouseEvent
stageY — Property in class sekati.events.ExternalMouseEvent
star(center, corners, heightCap, rotate) — Method in class sekati.layout.Sort
Sort items in a Star shape.
start() — Method in class sekati.profiler.PerformanceMonitor
Start monitoring.
start() — Method in class sekati.ui.AbstractPreloader
Start the animation.
start() — Method in class sekati.utils.StopWatch
start timer
START — Constant static property in class sekati.events.LoaderQueueEvent
START — Constant static property in class sekati.events.MediaEvent
startMonitor() — Method in class sekati.collisions.AbstractCollisionDetector
Start frame-based automatic collision monitoring.
startMonitor() — Method in class sekati.managers.BrowserManager
Start monitoring the browser address for changes.
status(msg) — Static method in class sekati.external.ExternalBase
Javascript change status message.
status(origin, message) — Method in interface sekati.log.ILogger
status(origin, message) — Method in class sekati.log.Logger
status is a log level denoting a status message.
STATUS — Constant static property in class sekati.log.LogLevel
STATUS is a log level denoting a status event.
statusHandler(e) — Method in class sekati.media.CameraDevice
Respond to camera status.
statusHandler(e) — Method in class sekati.media.MicrophoneDevice
Respond to camera status.
statusHandler(e:sekati.events:MediaEvent) — Method in class sekati.ui.AbstractMediaPlayer
Handle & re-dispatch the MediaEvent status events (since AbstractMediaPlayer subclasses have the option of being added to stage and bubbling these events unlike IProgressiveMedia classes).
statusHandler(e:sekati.events:MediaEvent) — Method in class sekati.ui.FLVPlayer
Handle & re-dispatch the MediaEvent status events (since AbstractMediaPlayer subclasses have the option of being added to stage and bubbling these events unlike IProgressiveMedia classes).
statusHandler(e:sekati.events:MediaEvent) — Method in class sekati.ui.MP3Player
Handle & re-dispatch the MediaEvent status events (since AbstractMediaPlayer subclasses have the option of being added to stage and bubbling these events unlike IProgressiveMedia classes).
stop() — Method in class sekati.media.FLV
Stop playback.
stop() — Method in interface sekati.media.IProgressiveMedia
Stop playback.
stop() — Method in class sekati.media.MP3
Stop playback.
stop() — Method in class sekati.profiler.PerformanceMonitor
Stop monitoring.
stop() — Method in class sekati.ui.AbstractPreloader
Stop the animation.
stop() — Method in class sekati.utils.StopWatch
stop timer
STOP — Constant static property in class sekati.events.LoaderQueueEvent
stopMonitor() — Method in class sekati.collisions.AbstractCollisionDetector
Stop frame-based automatic collision monitoring.
stopMonitor() — Method in class sekati.managers.BrowserManager
Stop monitoring the browser address for changes.
stopScroll() — Method in class sekati.ui.Scroll
Stop all scrolling motions
StopWatch — Class in package sekati.utils
StopWatch Utility.
StopWatch(startNow) — Constructor in class sekati.utils.StopWatch
STREAM_NOT_FOUND — Constant static property in class sekati.events.MediaEvent
strictIs(instance, compareClass) — Static method in class sekati.validators.TypeValidator
Checks the class of instance against the compareClass for strict equality.
STRING — Constant static property in class sekati.validators.TypeValidator
Stringifier — Class in package sekati.reflect
Stringify class or class instance fully qualified name.
Stringifier() — Constructor in class sekati.reflect.Stringifier
Stringifier Static Constructor
stringify(o) — Static method in class sekati.reflect.Stringifier
Return the class or class instances fully qualified class name and runtime unique id.
StringUtil — Class in package sekati.utils
Static class wrapping various String utilities.
StringUtil() — Constructor in class sekati.utils.StringUtil
StringUtil Static Constructor
StringValidator — Class in package sekati.validators
String Validation methods for form fields
StringValidator() — Constructor in class sekati.validators.StringValidator
StringValidator Static Constructor
stripTags(str) — Static method in class sekati.utils.StringUtil
Strip HTML markup tags.
stripZeroAndRepairFloat(n) — Static method in class sekati.utils.StringUtil
Strip the zero off floated numbers and remove Scientific Notation.
stripZeroOnFloat(n) — Static method in class sekati.utils.StringUtil
Strip the zero off floated numbers.
styledTag(tagName, text, styleClass) — Static method in class sekati.utils.HTMLCode
Generate a styled tag.
styleFields(o, stylesheet) — Static method in class sekati.utils.TextUtil
Apply the application stylesheet to a TextField or to all TextField's in a DisplayObject.
StyleSheetLoader — Class in package sekati.load
StyleSheetLoader provides a standard API loader for Cascading StyleSheet content.
StyleSheetLoader(url) — Constructor in class sekati.load.StyleSheetLoader
StyleSheetLoader Constructor
superClasses — Property in class sekati.reflect.ClassReflector
Classes the class extends
swap(a, nA, nB) — Static method in class sekati.utils.ArrayUtil
Swap two elements positions in an array
swapDisplayObjects() — Method in class sekati.ui.RotationPlane
Swap display objects.
swapTarget(target) — Method in class sekati.collisions.CollisionDetector
Replaces the target DisplayObject with the DisplayObject specified.
SWFLoader — Class in package sekati.load
SWFLoader provides a standard API loader for SWF asset content.
SWFLoader(url) — Constructor in class sekati.load.SWFLoader
SWFLoader Constructor
SWF_LOADER — Constant static property in class sekati.load.FileType
_sx — Property in class sekati.draw.Bezier
sx — Property in class sekati.draw.Bezier
Return the start x pos.
_sx — Property in class sekati.draw.Curve
sx — Property in class sekati.draw.Curve
Return the start x pos.
_sx — Property in class sekati.draw.Line
sx — Property in class sekati.draw.Line
Return the start x pos.
_sx — Property in class sekati.draw.Rect
sx — Property in class sekati.draw.Rect
Return the start x pos.
_sy — Property in class sekati.draw.Bezier
sy — Property in class sekati.draw.Bezier
Return the start y pos.
_sy — Property in class sekati.draw.Curve
sy — Property in class sekati.draw.Curve
Return the start y pos.
_sy — Property in class sekati.draw.Line
sy — Property in class sekati.draw.Line
Return the start y pos.
_sy — Property in class sekati.draw.Rect
sy — Property in class sekati.draw.Rect
Return the start y pos.
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z