 ICipher Marker interface for all cryptographic cipher classes
 IHash Marker interface for all cryptographic hashing classes.
 Base64 Encodes and decodes a base64 string.
 Base8 Encodes and decodes a base8 (hex) string.
 Goauld Encodes and decodes a Goauld string.
 GUID Genuine Unique IDentifier string.
 Luhn Validate a number with the Luhn Algorithm (aka Mod10) which is standard for pre-validating card numbers before being processed for approval.
 LZW Compresses and decompresses text with the LZW algorithm.
 MD5 The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm Implementation based on algorithm description at
 RC4 Encrypts and decrypts strings using the RC4 (aka ARCFOUR) cipher used most commonly in SSL transactions.
 Rijndael Encrypts and decrypts text with the Rijndael algorithm (aka AES).
 ROT13 Encodes and decodes a string using the ROT13 algorithm (aka a simple Caesar cipher)
 RUID Runtime Unique ID's for runtime Object management and identification.
 SHA1 US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1)
 SHA256 Calculate NIST compatible SHA256 checksum hash.
 TEA Encrypts and decrypts string with the TEA (Block) algorithm.
 XOR Encrypt and Decrypt a string with XORCRYPT Version 1.2 algorithm