Package com.sekati.display

Interface Summary
IBaseClip Interface describing BaseClip which is the foundational building block class for all subclasses to extend instead of MovieClip
IBitmapImageClip Interface describing CoreClip which is the core UI building block class for all subclasses to extend instead of BaseClip
ICoreClip Interface describing CoreClip which is the core UI building block class for all subclasses to extend instead of BaseClip
IImageClip Interface describing CoreClip which is the core UI building block class for all subclasses to extend instead of BaseClip
ILiquidClip Interface describing LiquidClip and its subclips which add need to respond to StageDisplay events such as onResize or onResizeComplete
ITweenClip Interface describing com.sekati.display clips which add prototypical (mc_tween2-like) tween functionality via mix-in
Class Summary
AbstractClip Generic subclass implementation of CoreClip mixin
BaseClip This is the foundational MovieClip class and should be thought of as the main building block of the SASAPI framework
BitmapImageClip BitmapImageClip - load an image, convert it to a smoothed BitmapData object available for manipulation
BitmapImageDistributedSliceClip BitmapImageSliceClip - load a large image, convert it to a set of smoothed BitmapData objects available for manipulation over a series of intervals.This works around the BitmapDataObject 2880 pixel width or height limitation
BitmapImageSliceClip BitmapImageSliceClip - load a large image, convert it to a set of smoothed BitmapData objects available for manipulation.This works around the BitmapDataObject 2880 pixel width or height limitation
CoreClip Core UI mixin that all interface subclasses should extend instead of MovieClip for standardized UI initialization.

EventClip Event driven core Clip - recieves Broadcaster events
ImageClip ImageClip - load an image available for manipulation
LiquidClip LiquidClip - mixin for any subclass which needs to respond to StageDisplay events such as onResize, onResizeComplete or onFullScreen
LiquidHClip LiquidHClip - scale clip to Stage.height
LiquidWClip LiquidWClip - scale clip to Stage.width
LiquidXClip LiquidXClip - maintain a right-aligned clip positioning
LiquidYClip LiquidYClip - maintain a bottom-aligned clip positioning
ProportionalClip ProportionalClip
StageDisplay StageDisplay eases Stage interfacing with added/simplified methods and properties
TextDisplay TextDisplay - utilities for uniformly styling, clearing, and animating text in display clip classes
UIClip UIClip - any clip which needs to respond to StageResize or StageResizeComplete (delayed) events to create Liquid Layout via which extends EventClip for Broadcaster event core

Class Inheritance Diagram

Interface Inheritance Diagram