1  /**
     2   * com.sekati.demo.ContentBox
     3   * @version 1.0.0
     4   * @author jason m horwitz | sekati.com
     5   * Copyright (C) 2007  jason m horwitz, Sekat LLC. All Rights Reserved.
     6   * Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
     7   */
     9  import com.sekati.core.App;
    10  import com.sekati.ui.Scroll;
    11  import com.sekati.utils.Delegate;
    12  import com.sekati.display.CoreClip;
    13  /**
    14   * ContentBox demo implementation of {@link com.sekati.ui.Scroll}
    15   */
    16  class com.project.ui.ContentBox extends CoreClip {
    17  	public var _mask:MovieClip;
    18  	public var _content:MovieClip;
    19  	public var _scrollbar:MovieClip;
    20  	public var _tracker:MovieClip;
    21  	public var _scroll:Object;
    22  	public var _btn0:MovieClip;
    23  	public var _btn1:MovieClip;
    24  	public var _btn2:MovieClip;
    25  	public var _acBtn:MovieClip;
    26  	public var _slideBtn:MovieClip;
    27  	// constructor
    28  	private function ContentBox() {
    29  	}
    30  	public function configUI():Void {
    31  		_mask = _this.mask;
    32  		_content = _this.contents;
    33  		_tracker = _this.contents;
    34  		_scrollbar = _this.scrollbar;
    35  		_btn0 = _this.btn0;
    36  		_btn1 = _this.btn1;
    37  		_btn2 = _this.btn2;
    38  		_acBtn = _this.acBtn;
    39  		_slideBtn = _this.slideBtn;
    40  		// setup
    41  		App.bc.subscribe( _this );
    42  		_content.tf.autoSize = true;
    43  		_content.tf.html = true;
    44  		// note: content y is always 0 for Scroller class
    45  		_content._y = 0;
    46  		// button setup and events
    47  		_btn0.tf.text = "page 1";
    48  		_btn1.tf.text = "page 2";
    49  		_btn2.tf.text = "page 3";
    50  		_acBtn.tf.text = "addTxt";
    51  		_slideBtn.tf.text = "slide";
    52  		_btn0.onRelease = Delegate.create( _this, btn0_onRelease );
    53  		_btn1.onRelease = Delegate.create( _this, btn1_onRelease );
    54  		_btn2.onRelease = Delegate.create( _this, btn2_onRelease );
    55  		_acBtn.onRelease = Delegate.create( _this, acBtn_onRelease );
    56  		_slideBtn.onRelease = Delegate.create( _this, slideBtn_onRelease );
    57  	}
    58  	private function onAppConfigured():Void {
    59  		App.log.trace( this, "* initializing ContentBox" );
    60  		_content.tf.htmlText = App.db.data.copy_1.data;
    61  		_this.initScroller( );
    62  	}
    63  	private function initScroller():Void {
    64  		//axis:String, content:Object, mask:MovieClip, gutter:MovieClip, scroller:MovieClip, isResizeGutter:Boolean, isResizeScroller:Boolean, isInit:Boolean, contentSizeTracker:Object, friction:Number, ratio:Number, colors:Objec
    65  		_scroll = new Scroll( "_y", _content, _mask, _scrollbar.gutter, _scrollbar.bar, true, true, true, true, _tracker, .8, .5, {up:0xFFFFFF, over:0xFFCC00} );
    66  	}
    67  	private function resetScroller():Void {
    68  		_scroll = null;
    69  		_scrollbar.bar._y = 0;
    70  		_content._y = 0;
    71  		initScroller( );
    72  	}
    73  	public function setContent(copy:String):Void {
    74  		_content.tf.htmlText = copy;
    75  		resetScroller( );
    76  	}
    77  	private function btn0_onRelease():Void {
    78  		setContent( App.db.data.copy_1.data );
    79  	}
    80  	private function btn1_onRelease():Void {
    81  		setContent( App.db.data.copy_2.data );
    82  	}
    83  	private function btn2_onRelease():Void {
    84  		setContent( App.db.data.copy_3.data );
    85  	}
    86  	private function acBtn_onRelease():Void {
    87  		_content.tf.htmlText += App.db.data.copy_1.data + "\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n" + _content.tf.htmlText + "\n\n-----------------------------------------\n\nEOF";
    88  	}
    89  	private function slideBtn_onRelease():Void {
    90  		_scroll.slideContent( 500 );
    91  	}
    92  }