1  /**
     2   * Generic, auxiliary functions
     3   *
     4   * @author		Zeh Fernando
     5   * @version		1.0.0
     6   */
     8  class caurina.transitions.AuxFunctions {
    10  	/**
    11  	 * Gets the R (xx0000) bits from a number
    12  	 *
    13  	 * @param		p_num				Number		Color number (ie, 0xffff00)
    14  	 * @return							Number		The R value
    15  	 */
    16  	public static function numberToR(p_num:Number):Number {
    17  		// The initial & is meant to crop numbers bigger than 0xffffff
    18  		return (p_num & 0xff0000) >> 16;
    19  	}
    21  	/**
    22  	 * Gets the G (00xx00) bits from a number
    23  	 *
    24  	 * @param		p_num				Number		Color number (ie, 0xffff00)
    25  	 * @return							Number		The G value
    26  	 */
    27  	public static function numberToG(p_num:Number):Number {
    28  		return (p_num & 0xff00) >> 8;
    29  	}
    31  	/**
    32  	 * Gets the B (0000xx) bits from a number
    33  	 *
    34  	 * @param		p_num				Number		Color number (ie, 0xffff00)
    35  	 * @return							Number		The B value
    36  	 */
    37  	public static function numberToB(p_num:Number):Number {
    38  		return (p_num & 0xff);
    39  	}
    41  	/**
    42  	 * Checks whether a string is on an array
    43  	 *
    44  	 * @param		p_string			String		String to search for
    45  	 * @param		p_array				Array		Array to be searched
    46  	 * @return							Boolean		Whether the array contains the string or not
    47  	 */
    48  	public static function isInArray(p_string:String, p_array:Array):Boolean {
    49  		var l:Number = p_array.length;
    50  		for (var i:Number = 0; i < l; i++) {
    51  			if (p_array[i] == p_string) return true;
    52  		}
    53  		return false;
    54  	}
    56  	/**
    57  	 * Returns the number of properties an object has
    58  	 *
    59  	 * @param		p_object			Object		Target object with a number of properties
    60  	 * @return							Number		Number of total properties the object has
    61  	 */
    62  	public static function getObjectLength(p_object:Object):Number {
    63  		var totalProperties:Number = 0;
    64  		for (var pName:String in p_object) totalProperties ++;
    65  		return totalProperties;
    66  	}
    68  	/* Takes a variable number of objects as parameters and "adds" their properties, from left to right. If a latter object defines a property as null, it will be removed from the final object
    69  	* @param		args				Object(s)	A variable number of objects
    70  	* @return							Object		An object with the sum of all paremeters added as properties.
    71  	*/
    72  	public static function concatObjects(/*objects to concat*/) : Object{
    73  		var finalObject : Object = {};
    74  		var currentObject : Object;
    75  		for (var i : Number = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){
    76  			currentObject = arguments[i];
    77  			for (var prop : String in currentObject){
    78  				if (currentObject[prop] == null){
    79  				    // delete in case is null
    80  					delete finalObject[prop];
    81  				}else{
    82  					finalObject[prop] = currentObject[prop]
    83  				}
    84  			}
    85  		}
    86  		return finalObject;
    87  	}
    88  }