/** * SekatiMain * @version 1.1.1 * @author jason m horwitz | sekati.com * Copyright (C) 2008 jason m horwitz, Sekat LLC. All Rights Reserved. * Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ package { import caurina.transitions.Tweener; import sekati.core.App; import sekati.display.Document; import sekati.log.Logger; import sekati.ui.Image; import sekati.utils.AlignUtil; import flash.events.Event; [SWF(width="1075", height="500", frameRate="31", backgroundColor="#FFFFFF")] /** * SekatiMain provides an example implementation of the application Document class for SEKATI API. * @see sekati.display.Document */ public class SekatiMain extends Document { /** * SekatiMain Application Constructor */ public function SekatiMain() { super( ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ override protected function initMovieProperties() : void { super.initMovieProperties( ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ override protected function initTweenEngine() : void { super.initTweenEngine( ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ override protected function initAPI(hasBootstrap : Boolean = true) : void { super.initAPI( hasBootstrap ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ override protected function initEntryPoint() : void { super.initEntryPoint( ); // some sample code to display the proper entry-point where the framework is ready for hand-off to the developer. Logger.$.trace( this, 'Hello World! I am an example implementation of the SEKATI API.' ); // load an image from our data xml as defined in config.xml var img : Image = new Image( App.db['data'].logo.@src ); // callback when the image is loaded. var imgLoadHandler : Function = function(e : Event):void { img.removeEventListener( Event.INIT, imgLoadHandler ); AlignUtil.stageAlignCenter( img ); img.alpha = 0; addChild( img ); Tweener.addTween( img, { y:(img.y + 10), alpha:1, time:1, transition:"easeOutExpo" } ); }; // listen for its load event. img.addEventListener( Event.INIT, imgLoadHandler ); } } }