/** * com.sekati.utils.Clipboard * @version 1.0.0 * @author jason m horwitz | sekati.com * Copyright (C) 2007 jason m horwitz, Sekat LLC. All Rights Reserved. * Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ /** * Simple system clipboard management. */ class com.sekati.utils.Clipboard { private static var _str:String = ""; /** * Push content to the System clipboard * @param content (Object) * @return Void */ public static function push(content:Object):Void { var str:String = String( content ); _str += str + "\r"; System.setClipboard( _str ); } /** * Pop content out of the System clipboard and clear it. * @return String */ public static function pop():String { return _str; _str = ""; System.setClipboard( " " ); } private function Clipboard() { } }