* com.sekati.utils.ClassUtils
* @version 2.2.0
* @author jason m horwitz | sekati.com
* Copyright (C) 2007 jason m horwitz, Sekat LLC. All Rights Reserved.
* Released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
import com.sekati.core.KeyFactory;
* Static class for wrapping various Class utilities. For example linking 'extend MovieClip' type
* classes to MovieClips thru attachMovie, createEmptyMovieClip or MovieClip Instances on stage.
* An initObject param is available in methods: {@link #createEmptyMovieClip}, {@link #attachMovie}
* and {@link #attachClass}. _depth is a custom initObject param which will set the clip to this depth
* regardless of method but *will not* store _depth as a MovieClip property; use getDepth if needed.
* {@code Example Class:
* class com.sekati.Test extends MovieClip {
* public function Test(){
* trace("Test Class instantiated on: "+this._name);
* }
* }
* }
* @TODO Add an AS2 Class index getter for debugging purposes.
class com.sekati.utils.ClassUtils {
* create a movieclip with linked class (various init options)
* @param classRef (Function) reference to class to attach
* @param target (MovieClip) target scope to create MovieClip
* @param instanceName (String) created MovieClip instance name
* @param initObject (Object) object of properties to create MovieClip with. Depth will automatically be created if none is specified
* @return MovieClip
* {@code Usage:
* var mc0:MovieClip = ClassUtils.createEmptyMovieClip (com.sekati.Test, this, "mc0");
* var mc0:MovieClip = ClassUtils.createEmptyMovieClip (com.sekati.Test, _root, "mc0", {_depth: 100, _x:25, _y:25});
* var mc0:MovieClip = ClassUtils.createEmptyMovieClip (com.sekati.Test, this, "mc0", {_x:25, _y:25});
* }
public static function createEmptyMovieClip(classRef:Function, target:MovieClip, instanceName:String, initObject:Object):MovieClip {
var depth:Number = (!initObject._depth) ? target.getNextHighestDepth( ) : initObject._depth;
var mc:MovieClip = target.createEmptyMovieClip( instanceName, depth );
mc.__proto__ = classRef.prototype;
if (initObject) {
for (var i in initObject) {
if (i != "_depth") {
mc[i] = initObject[i];
classRef.apply( mc );
KeyFactory.inject( mc );
return mc;
* attach a MovieClip from library and extend with class (various init options)
* @param classRef (Function) reference to class to attach
* @param target (MovieClip) target scope to create MovieClip
* @param idName (String) linkage id for exported MovieClip in library
* @param instanceName (String) created MovieClip instance name
* @param initObject (Object) object of properties to create MovieClip with. Depth will automatically be created if none is specified
* @return MovieClip
* {@code Usage:
* var mc1:MovieClip = ClassUtils.attachMovie (com.sekati.Test, _root, "linkedMc", "mc1");
* var mc1:MovieClip = ClassUtils.attachMovie (com.sekati.Test, _root, "linkedMc", "mc1", {_x:50, _y:50});
* var mc1:MovieClip = ClassUtils.attachMovie (com.sekati.Test, _root, "linkedMc", "mc1", {_depth:200, _x:50, _y:50});
* }
public static function attachMovie(classRef:Function, target:MovieClip, idName:String, instanceName:String, initObject:Object):MovieClip {
var depth:Number = (!initObject._depth) ? target.getNextHighestDepth( ) : initObject._depth;
var mc:MovieClip = target.attachMovie( idName, instanceName, depth, initObject );
mc.__proto__ = classRef.prototype;
if (mc._depth) {
delete mc._depth;
classRef.apply( mc );
KeyFactory.inject( mc );
return mc;
* Attach a movie from a DLL swf's library (loads dll then attaches requested movie).
* NOTE: you should insert a delay between your callback and methods calls in the shared library as it initializes.
* @param dll (Function) url of the dll.swf which contains exported assets in its library
* @param target (MovieClip) target scope to attachMovie within
* @param idName (String) linkage id for exported MovieClip in library
* @param instanceName (String) created MovieClip instance name
* @param initObject (Object) object of properties to create MovieClip with. Depth will automatically be created if none is specified
* @param cb (Function) callback function to fire when dll has been loaded and clip attached
* @return MovieClip
* {@code Usage:
* var mc0:MovieClip = ClassUtils.attachDllMovie("dll.swf", _root, "myDllExportedItem", "mc0", {_x:50, _y:50, _depth:20}, myCallBackFn);
* }
public static function attachDllMovie(dll:String, target:MovieClip, idName:String, instanceName:String, initObject:Object, cb:Function):MovieClip {
var depth:Number = (!initObject._depth) ? target.getNextHighestDepth( ) : initObject._depth;
var mc:MovieClip = target.createEmptyMovieClip( instanceName, depth );
var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader( );
var onDLLLoaded:Function = function():Void {
mcLoader.removeListener( listener );
if(cb) _global['setTimeout']( this, 'cb', 50 );
var listener:Object = new Object( );
listener.onLoadInit = function(mc:MovieClip):Void {
mc.attachMovie( idName, instanceName, mc.getNextHighestDepth( ) );
target[instanceName] = target[instanceName][instanceName];
if (initObject) {
for (var i in initObject) {
if (i != "_depth") mc[i] = initObject[i];
onDLLLoaded( );
mcLoader.addListener( listener );
mcLoader.loadClip( dll, mc );
return mc;
* extend a MovieClip instance (on stage) with class (various init options)
* @param classRef (Function) reference to class to attach
* @param target (MovieClip) target scope to create MovieClip
* @param initObject (Object) object of properties to create MovieClip with. Depth will automatically be created if none is specified
* @return MovieClip
* {@code Usage:
* var mc2:MovieClip = ClassUtils.attachClass (com.sekati.Test, mc2);
* var mc2:MovieClip = ClassUtils.attachClass (com.sekati.Test, _root.mc2, {_x:75, _y:75});
* var mc2:MovieClip = ClassUtils.attachClass (com.sekati.Test, mc2, {_depth:300, _x:75, _y:75});
* }
public static function attachClass(classRef:Function, target:MovieClip, initObject:Object):MovieClip {
var mc:MovieClip = target;
mc.__proto__ = classRef.prototype;
if (initObject) {
for (var i in initObject) {
if (i != "_depth") {
mc[i] = initObject[i];
} else {
target.swapDepths( initObject[i] );
classRef.apply( mc );
KeyFactory.inject( mc );
return target;
* Create and return a new instance of a defined class
* @param classRef (Function) reference to full class namespace
* @param args (Array) array of constructor arguments
* @return Object - instantiated class object
* {@code Usage:
* var o:Point = ClassUtils.createInstance (com.sekati.geom.Point, [15,50]);
* }
public static function createInstance(classRef:Function, args:Array):Object {
var o:Object = {__constructor__:classRef, __proto__:classRef.prototype};
classRef.apply( o, args );
KeyFactory.inject( o );
return o;
* Create and return a new instance of a defined class without
* invoking its constructor
* @param classRef (Function) reference to full class namespace
* @return Object - class object
* {@code Usage:
* var scr:Scroll = ClassUtils.createCleanInstance(com.sekati.ui.Scroll);
* }
public static function createCleanInstance(classRef:Function):Object {
var o:Object = new Object;
o.__proto__ = classRef.prototype;
o.__constructor__ = classRef;
KeyFactory.inject( o );
return o;
* Check if a subclass is extended by a superclass
* @param subclassRef (Function) reference to the full subclass namespace
* @param superclassRef (Function) reference to the full superclass namespace
* @return Boolean
* {@code Usage:
* trace(ClassUtils.isSubclassOf(com.sekati.display.AbstractClip, com.sekati.display.CoreClip)); // returns: true
* }
public static function isSubclassOf(subclassRef:Function, superclassRef:Function):Boolean {
var o:Object = subclassRef.prototype;
while(o !== undefined) {
o = o.__proto__;
if(o === superclassRef.prototype) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if a class implements an interface
* @param classRef (Function) reference to the full class namespace
* @param interfaceRef (Function) reference to the full interface namespace
* @return Boolean
* {@code Usage:
* trace(ClassUtils.isImplementationOf(com.sekati.display.CoreClip, com.sekati.display.ICoreClip)); // returns: true
* }
public static function isImplementationOf(classRef:Function, interfaceRef:Function):Boolean {
// interface will not be in prototype chain
if(isSubclassOf( classRef, interfaceRef )) {
return false;
// if an instance it is not extended, the class has to be an instance of it
return (createCleanInstance( classRef ) instanceof interfaceRef);
private function ClassUtils() {